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Lose weight and detox with hemp protein


Detox with hemp protein

The natural way

Hemp protein contains all the amino acids that are essential for us humans, which our bodies cannot produce themselves and which we must consume with food. Hemp protein is also rich in branched-chain amino acids (BCAA), which are particularly important for building or repairing muscle. And as a plant-based protein source, it offers a uniquely high bioavailability. It also contains fiber, so it also supports optimal digestion.

Among these amino acids there are also abundant amounts of the two sulfur-containing amino acids methionine and cysteine, which are involved, among other things, in the detoxification of cells and the production of enzymes.

In contrast to whey protein, which is often used in sports circles, hemp protein is a natural protein and not an isolate, which athletes often consume, because hemp protein not only provides protein, but also fiber, essential fatty acids and a variety of minerals and vitamins. The accompanying substances contained in hemp protein stimulate protein metabolism and optimize digestion. The acid-base balance can come into a healthy equilibrium and the body can remain in an anabolic muscle status. Lose weight and detoxify with hemp protein.

Detoxification and weight loss go hand in hand

Losing weight with hemp and CBD, woman with jeans
Lose weight naturally with hemp

How hemp protein helps with weight loss.

Two of the biggest risks of losing weight are

1. a lack of micronutrients

2. Muscle loss due to insufficient

Protein intake

High-quality hemp protein can counteract both of these in a unique way.

Losing weight is not rocket science. You have to put less (energy) into your body than it uses, so you have to consume fewer calories. However, many people make the mistake of simply reducing their portion sizes without changing the food they eat. But this is the secret to a diet that you both enjoy and one that promotes weight loss.

When it comes to losing weight, some people rely on questionable diets, programs or products that promise quick results for a lot of money. But there is no shortcut to a long-term healthy body and a slim figure. Patience, self-discipline and a little basic knowledge are required.

Natural protein from the hemp plant is certainly not a quick solution, but it helps immensely in maintaining discipline and patience in many ways.

Hemp protein in bowl
Energy and power with hemp protein

HEMP PROTEIN - A healthy way to lose weight!

Of course, regular meal times are ideal for this project.

There are simple guidelines to follow:

The meal is divided into portions in a ratio of 1:1:2.

  • 1 part carbohydrates (rice, millet, potatoes, sweet potatoes or buckwheat instead of pasta),

  • 1 part proteins (fish, turkey, egg, lean meat, tofu),

  • 2 parts vegetables.

This is not about weight or calories, but about volume. No counting, no weighing.

In this ratio, you can eat your fill at lunch and dinner and notice more well-being and success from day to day.

Losing weight in this way would generally be very easy, healthy and therefore sustainable:

HEMP "Powerclean" for protein supply

Power booster for the metabolism

Regular meals are often difficult, especially if you don't have the habit of doing so. In this case, a protein-rich replacement meal that is quick and provides you with plenty of nourishment can be very useful. There is no need for overpriced, pre-portioned ready-made protein shakes.

Two or three tablespoons of hemp protein stirred or shaken into liquid is enough.

As a valuable power food. Pimp your smoothie!

Plant-based power source and metabolism activation for more energy and vitality.

Of the three basic nutrients, carbohydrates, fat and protein, protein is the one that the body can least do without when in a calorie deficit.

Protein in the form of easily digestible, hypoallergenic hemp protein is more of a food than a nutritional supplement, with ingenious properties, due to its controlled cultivation and gentle processing. It also contains important vitamins, amino acids and trace elements.

In hectic everyday life, it is therefore a wonderful alternative to main meals .

  • Keeps you full for a long time and helps reduce calories

  • Natural support for weight management

  • Ideal for vegans/vegetarians, health-conscious people, athletes and for maintaining vitality in seniors

  • Suitable for sensitive people!

  • No soy, milk, whey or eggs!

Hemp protein against the yo-yo effect

Why is protein so important for weight loss?

Unfortunately, the body also loses muscle mass during a diet and the basal metabolic rate decreases. The body has more or less adapted to the new food situation. However, adequate muscle mass is one of the key factors for long-term weight loss success. And this muscle mass needs a certain amount of protein to maintain it in order to prevent the yo-yo effect.

What happens with the yo-yo effect? After a diet with too little protein, belly fat and love handles return twice as quickly as they disappeared. The person trying to lose weight has just gone through another cycle of the dreaded yo-yo effect.

30 to 50 grams of hemp protein two to three times a day in the form of shakes, smoothies or porridge helps enormously. Ideally, this should be combined with moderate strength training in the exercise plan. In addition to the appropriate supply, the body should also receive the right signals, namely that muscle mass is not superfluous, but necessary.

Hemp protein against cravings

How do cravings arise?

When you have overdone the calorie deficit and your body demands so much energy that it takes control of your otherwise disciplined mind. Or your body lacks proteins and micronutrients as part of an unbalanced diet.

Hemp protein can also provide enormous support here. The list of vitamins and minerals in hemp protein is long, but above all it is rich in the often deficient minerals iron, zinc and magnesium. Three important nutrients for a well-functioning metabolism.

Hemp protein ensures a more lasting feeling of satiety

Hemp protein is produced by pressing hemp oil and is then simply pressed, ground and sieved. Hemp proteins contain between 13 and 30 grams of healthy fiber per 100 grams. While the proteins and micronutrients in hemp protein counteract any cravings, the fiber ensures a longer-lasting feeling of satiety.

So why pay huge sums for advertised products that are merely a combination of dozens of isolated and synthetic nutrients, including a few E numbers, when there are natural products with significantly superior properties for much less money?

Lose weight “quickly” with hemp protein?

Be sure to approach weight loss slowly, healthily and sustainably.

For those who ignore well-intentioned warnings and appeals and believe that they need to get a bikini figure for their vacation in just two weeks, here is at least some advice to limit the damage: If you are in a severe calorie deficit, at least ensure you have a stable supply of protein and minerals, and if possible from high-quality, natural sources. However, we absolutely do not recommend a hemp protein mono-diet, just a supplement. In such an exceptional situation in terms of nutrition, you are dependent on good, natural, effective and healthy products. And hemp protein is one of them.

However, hemp protein is not just a product for weight loss. It is generally a complete, extremely healthy power food for a healthy diet and is also perfect for athletes. Or simply every now and then when your clothes start to tug.


There are also many interesting scientific findings and studies on this topic.

Doctor with hemp leaf
CBD Tests - Study Reports

Here is just an excerpt.

In the medical and pharmaceutical journal "The Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences", scientists have devoted themselves to gamma-linolenic acid (GLA for short), which is also contained in high quantities in hemp protein:


Incidentally, GLA has another effect that has been positively researched for a long time: it strengthens the immune system because it has a strong influence on the biochemical messengers. This reduces the effect of negative stressors, which is why GLA is suspected to be an effective remedy for many age-related illnesses (both mental and physical). Alpha, beta and gamma globulins in the hemp protein powder also break down old tissue and promote renewal.

A study conducted at the University of Tampa confirmed the superiority of plant proteins. The prejudice that animal proteins are superior to the plant equivalent is thus once again refuted. In their study, the researchers found an equivalent effect in the body, with the short-term consequences being examined in particular, rather than the long-term effect. (1)



As an innovative gluten-free nutrient complex with hemp & selected

Micronutrients in practical capsule form.

Supports energy and nerve metabolism.

Easy to take with you - ideally dosed, optimally bioavailable.

Hemp Fatburner is a real “super formula” made from hemp leaf powder, green coffee extract (Svetol®), bitter melon, ginger root extract and

the patented ingredient Bifidobacterium lactis BPL1.

Its weight management properties have caught the attention of the industry and led to BPL1 being nominated as a finalist in the Weight Management Ingredient of the Year category at the 2019 NutraIngredients Awards. Read more here.

Fatburner contains many other essential micronutrients for the “slimming effect”, which support energy metabolism and thus the basal metabolic rate.

These perfectly dosed micronutrients and selected plant substances can boost metabolism, improve inner balance, control body weight and reduce appetite for sweets, for example. This can make losing weight easier and increase well-being.

Natural power also offers us in exceptional situations such as a diet,

ingenious alternatives and possibilities.


Additional natural diet support with CBD

(Cannabidiol from the hemp plant)

CBD and its effects during a diet

Cannabidiol is also a pure, proven natural product and helps the organism on many levels.

CBD (cannabidiol from the hemp plant) has various stimulants that stimulate the cells to break down proteins and fats in the human body. And cannabidiol can, among other things, have a positive effect on the metabolism, which in turn stimulates fat burning. Of course, only in combination with regular exercise. Cannabidiol can limit, block or inhibit the renewal of fat cells . The perfect properties, then, to combine a diet with full-spectrum CBD oil and supplement your diet with cannabidiol in order to lose weight. However, it is not possible to lose weight by taking cannabidiol alone.

For more serenity when losing weight. CBD has even been proven to suppress appetite and prevent cravings , which varies from person to person but can definitely be worth a try.


The digestive capsules are ideal as an alternative to the classic digestive schnapps and as a natural supplement for unpleasant symptoms such as flatulence or belching.

Bitter substances. They promote digestion, ensure balance in the acid-base balance and gently strengthen the immune system. Unfortunately, bitter substances are rarely found on the menu due to their taste and one-sided diet. It is therefore all the more important to supply them in a targeted manner. The Hemp Bitter Power capsules combine natural bitter substances to create an exquisite herbal extract. Dandelion, nettle, gentian, yarrow, artichoke, turmeric & Co. provide the full power of bitter substances. The combination with selenium, zinc, hemp leaf powder and reishi, a traditional Chinese medicinal mushroom, makes the capsules unique in comparison. The bitter substances also help to reduce annoying cravings and ensure that you feel full more quickly. Perfect for those with a sweet tooth and people whose eyes are often bigger than their hunger. Hemp leaf powder and reishi provide the additional feel-good effect and flatter the overburdened stomach. Feel the full potential of the bitter substances with Hemp Bitter Power.


Turmeric extract in capsules

Turmeric and its medicinal uses were already known 6,000 years ago. It has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for a long time. In India, turmeric is one of the most commonly used spices because it is believed to strengthen the stomach and intestines. There, turmeric is one of the so-called "hot" spices that are said to give the body energy and cleanse it.

Today we know that the ingredients (curcuminoids) of Curcuma longa have many positive properties.

Our Curcumin liquid is a highly concentrated extract in liquid form and, thanks to a patented micellar technology, is 185 times more bioavailable than other curcumin preparations in powder form. It survives the acidic passage through the stomach 100% and is absorbed into the small intestine undamaged. Due to its good bioavailability, it also remains in the plasma for 24 hours, which improves long-term effects.

These special powerful micronutrients are the ideal complement to our
CBD oils and extracts.
Whether as a treatment or long-term, depending on your needs or life situation! The satisfied customers of UNSER KRAUT in Seefeld know it.

With hemp & CBD enthusiastic greetings


Food supplements are not a substitute for a varied, healthy diet. Do not exceed the recommended daily intake. Keep out of the reach of children. Not suitable for pregnant or breastfeeding women, children or adolescents. Store in a cool, dry place. Discuss taking the product with your doctor, as for legal reasons no medical statements can be made regarding the mode of action and areas of application. If you are pregnant, breastfeeding, taking medication or are under medical treatment, please consult a doctor or medical professional before use.

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