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CBD for allergies - pollen allergy - histamine intolerance


Man sneezes
CBD proven effective in allergies

And it's spring again.

However, for allergy sufferers, a very challenging time begins. As temperatures rise and flowers bloom, pollen is released into the air. With consequences for those affected with watery eyes, sneezing, sniffling, headaches, runny nose,

Sore throat, dry cough.

Approximately 60 million people in Europe are now affected by allergies.

What is an allergy?

An allergy is a malfunction in the immune system. The body reacts particularly sensitively to antigens that are harmless in themselves. The organism sees them as a threat. There are a wide variety of triggers, such as mold, parasites, fungi, animal hair, sometimes food, fine dust and pollutants, but one of the most common triggers is grass and pollen. When these foreign substances are absorbed by those affected through the respiratory tract or food, the body triggers a defensive reaction and stimulates the production of the body's own hormone histamine.

A specific, very common form of allergy is pollen allergy

Hay fever is also one of the so-called atopic forms. It is possible that it promotes the development of other allergies. It is assumed that hay fever sufferers are much more susceptible to other allergies than people without hay fever.

Treating the effects with medication

Because many allergy sufferers' everyday lives and nighttime sleep are severely affected, they resort to over-the-counter antihistamines in acute phases, which can, however, cause side effects such as headaches, exhaustion and tiredness. Or they use nasal sprays to be able to sleep relatively peacefully and become dependent on them.

The following medications are usually used:

  • Antihistamines

  • Corticosteroids

  • Chromone

  • Leukotriene receptor antagonists

  • Decongestant nasal drops and sprays

These can provide short-term relief in acute cases.

And a specific immunotherapy, which helps to become less sensitive to allergens in the long term, takes about 3 years.

CBD for allergies - here CBD can be a complementary natural alternative.

The hemp plant is one of the oldest cultivated plants and has been valued for its particularly health-supporting effects for several millennia.

It is shown here as an immune-boosting plant substance that can help avoid the use of antihistamines. In addition, the side effects of CBD, the non-intoxicating part of the hemp plant, are very manageable and even long-term use does not result in physical dependence.

How is this possible?

CBD strengthens the immune system

Especially in the case of allergies, the immune system is particularly challenged, which is why CBD is an ideal alternative and can strengthen the weakened organism.

Scientific studies have proven this several times.

Our body has CB1 and CB2 receptors – the endocannabinoid system - and the phytocannabinoids (CBD) are able to dock onto it. Therefore, CBD is perceived by the human organism as the body's own messenger substance and has a positive effect on the function of the immune system and our nervous system. And thus, general allergy symptoms and inflammation are alleviated.

CBD relieves allergy symptoms in a variety of ways

The particularly anti-inflammatory effect of CBD is well known, as described in numerous scientific study reports.

Due to the broad spectrum of effects of CBD, allergy sufferers can benefit from the natural remedy in a variety of ways.

CBD for inflamed mucous membranes

Since hay fever often causes inflammation of the mucous membranes, CBD is also helpful here. A study published in 2014 showed how CBD could work on inflammation. This study found that CBD is able to reduce inflammation. Irritated mucous membranes can go down again and the airways become clearer. This is especially true when there is a sore throat and a blocked nose.

A study on this topic was also carried out in 2011. The results indicate that CBD could be able to reduce the amount of histamine in the blood. It is assumed that CBD has the effect of an antioxidant here. Antioxidants can reduce the secretion of mast cells. These cells are what cause the release of histamine. As a result, less histamine would be produced, inflammation in the body would decrease, and many of the symptoms of hay fever would also decrease.

CBD for nighttime relief

It is well known that CBD can have a calming effect and also promote sleep. For this reason alone, it can provide nighttime relief for those affected.

Read more about it in our blog post: “Sleep better with CBD”

CBD for allergy-related skin irritations

CBD has proven antimicrobial properties.

Eczema and skin irritations are also side effects that many allergy sufferers complain about and are often associated with unpleasant itching and pain. Studies indicate that CBD can be used as a supplement for dermatological complaints. Inflamed skin areas can heal faster and inflammatory processes in the body can be contained from the very beginning. In addition, high-quality Prefer organic cosmetics containing CBD for external use.

CBD is known for its relaxing and calming effects

Most of those affected not only have physiological symptoms, but their psychological well-being is also often affected. Because CBD has a balancing effect on the hormone balance and also helps the body to relax, depressive moods or stress can also be curbed and inner balance can be promoted. This is due, among other things, to the reduction in the stress hormone cortisol.

Asthma patients also experience relief by taking CBD.

Worldwide studies have shown that CBD can generally have an antispasmodic effect on asthma. Other recent scientific studies show that CBD can help reduce the inflammation caused by asthma.

See also study sources in our blog post: CBD Application from A - Z - REPORTS - STUDIES

What type and how to use CBD for allergies?

CBD, the phytocannabinoid, is one of the more than one hundred ingredients of the hemp plant and, unlike THC, is not psychotropic, i.e. not intoxicating. It can be bought legally in Austria without a prescription in specialist shops.

It can be used both preventively and specifically. This is particularly advisable in preparation for and during peak season as well as in acute phases .

There is a wide range on offer, so allergy sufferers can choose between numerous forms of CBD products. However, CBD drops, which can be dosed particularly precisely, have proven to be particularly effective.

For allergies, full-spectrum oils with phytocannabinoids, flavonoids and terpenes are recommended. Good results can be achieved with 5% oils.

If the allergy symptoms are only mild, a freshly brewed CBD hemp tea before going to bed could be helpful.

It is better to start taking the oil before the pollen peak. If necessary, the number of drops of CBD oil can be increased over time by one or two drops at daily intervals. In acute cases, the dosage can also be increased without hesitation and doubled if necessary.

It is worth emphasizing that there is now a high-quality, natural nasal spray with CBD . Its physical effect is purely due to the sophisticated combination of active ingredients; the natural active ingredients free, clean and moisten the nose. The nasal spray with CBD does not contain any vasoconstricting active ingredients. There is no habituation effect and the nasal mucosa does not dry out.

Supportive micronutrients and vitamins

The supportive combination of CBD oils with micronutrients from orthomolecular medicine also proves to be efficient for better surviving the allergy season.

A number of complementary, natural alternatives can also help to alleviate the symptoms of allergies, so that allergy sufferers can also get through the spring season more relaxed and do not necessarily have to resort to antihistamines etc.

Orthomolecular medicine can strengthen the immune system in addition to CBD. It is often difficult to consume all of these micronutrients through food in everyday life, as higher doses are required for this purpose. Nutrient complexes can ensure a holistic supply of the most important micronutrients.

According to studies, the following micronutrients are particularly relevant:

Vitamin C [1]

Vitamin D [2]

Magnesium [3]

Zinc [4]

MSMs [5]

In addition, there is good experience with the natural combination of high-quality

Black cumin oil with CBD oil .

Here, traditional, time-honored natural substances meet in a modern form. As a natural companion during the allergy season, which, unlike medication, does not make you tired.

In the area of histamine intolerance, Hista Plus supports the tolerance of histamine-containing foods.

The natural special solution with the histamine-degrading enzyme DAO and the co-factors vitamin C, B6 and copper offers a dietary supplement to naturally harmonize histamine levels.

Additional tip: Full spectrum CBD oil. The cannabinoids contained in the hemp plant, especially cannabidiol, can be a promising support for well-being in cases of intolerance due to their positive properties. CBD oil is also histamine-free.

Some more helpful simple tips for everyday life with hay fever

1. Do not take day clothes into the bedroom,

because pollen is brought into the house via clothing.

2. Do not hang laundry outside.

3. Ideally, shower and wash your hair immediately after getting home.

This way, the pollen is not spread around the house and is not taken to bed.

4. Do not use a fan to cool the rooms – this will stir up the pollen.

5. When pollen levels are high, keep windows closed and only ventilate in the morning and evening.

6. When pollen levels are high, spend as little time outdoors as possible.


CBD proves to be a practical and side-effect-free support

Together with cannabidiol, micronutrients and some tips for everyday life, the entire organism can be ideally supported – started early enough,

so that you too can enjoy spring and summer to the fullest.

The team from the CBD & Hemp Shop UNSER KRAUT Seefeld wishes you all the best


(1) Vollbracht, C. et al. (2018). Intravenous vitamin C in the treatment of allergies: an interim subgroup analysis of long-term observational study. 46(9): 3640–3655. Download from March 5, 2020. (2) (3) Blach, J., Nowacki, W., Mazur, A. (2007). Magnesium in skin allergy. 8;61:548-54. Download from March 5, 2020 (4) (5) Hewlings, S. & Kalman, D. (2018). Evaluating the Impacts of Methylsulfonylmethane on Allergic Rhinitis after a standard Allergen Challenge: Randomized Double-Blind Exploratory Study. 29;7(11). Download from March 5, 2020. +cannabis-based+medicine

Small-Howard, Andrea L et al. “Anti-inflammatory potential of CB1-mediated cAMP elevation in mast cells.” The Biochemical journal vol. 388,Pt 2 (2005): 465-73.

It is important to consult your doctor before use and not to reduce or stop taking prescribed medication on your own. If you do this, there is nothing stopping you from taking CBD if you have allergies.

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