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CBD and horses

A natural approach to promoting health and well-being!


Woman with Horse

In recent years, cannabidiol (CBD) has become a popular natural supplement valued for its diverse health benefits. While many people have already discovered the positive effects of CBD for themselves, it is now also gaining importance in the animal world - especially horses.

In this blog post, we take a look at the potential benefits of CBD for horses and how it can be used to promote health and wellness without getting high.


What is CBD?

CBD is a non-psychoactive compound extracted from the hemp plant. Unlike THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), CBD has no intoxicating effects. It interacts with the endocannabinoid system (ECS) in the body, a complex network of receptors involved in regulating many physiological processes, including pain sensation, inflammation, mood, and the immune system.


How can CBD help horses?

1. Pain relief and anti-inflammatory:

Horses often suffer from pain and inflammation, whether due to injury, arthritis, or other health issues. CBD has anti-inflammatory properties and can help relieve these symptoms by affecting the ECS. This can significantly improve the quality of life of horses, especially in older animals or those with chronic conditions.


2. Reduction of anxiety and stress:

Horses can become stressed or anxious for a variety of reasons, such as transportation, new environments, or loud noises. CBD has calming properties that can help reduce anxiety and stress in horses. This can be particularly useful for nervous or anxious horses who have difficulty relaxing.


3. Support of the immune system:

A strong immune system is crucial for the health and well-being of horses. CBD can strengthen the immune system by regulating inflammatory responses and supporting balance in the body. This can help prevent infections and diseases and promote overall health.


4. Promote digestive health:

Digestive issues are not uncommon in horses and can lead to serious health problems. CBD may support healthy digestion by modulating the ECS and improving the function of the gastrointestinal tract. This may help relieve digestive upset and optimize nutrient absorption.



The dosage should be adjusted individually, depending on the horse's weight, age and health status. Since horses have a large body mass compared to other animals, it is important to find the right dosage. It is recommended to start with a small amount and gradually increase the dose until the desired effect is achieved.

Despite their large body mass, practice shows that many horses respond to just 1-2 drops. Close cooperation with a veterinarian is essential to ensure that CBD is used safely and effectively.


Quality of the CBD product:

Be sure to choose high-quality CBD products that are specifically designed for animals. Products should consist of pure hemp extract to avoid side effects and be free of substances such as THC, especially if your horse competes.


CBD offers a promising natural option to support the health and well-being of horses. From pain relief to reducing anxiety and stress to boosting the immune system and digestive health - the potential benefits are many. While research on CBD and horses is still in its early stages, initial experiences and studies in dogs and cats suggest that CBD can be a valuable addition to traditional veterinary medicine.


As with any new treatment, it is important to be well informed and seek professional advice. If you are considering using CBD for your horse, speak to your veterinarian and explore the possibilities this natural substance can offer.

Sources and study reports:

Interlandi, C. et al. (2023). Improved quality of life and pain relief in adult horses with osteoarthritis following oral transmucosal administration of cannabidiol oil as part of an analgesic regimen. Frontiers in Veterinary Science. 6:11:1341396. Doi: 10.3389/fvets.2024. Downloaded 26 March 2024, from [source]

[2] Baumgartner, J. & Dukes, L. (n.d.). Equine Research on the Short-Term Effects of Cannabidiol for the Treatment of Chronic Pain and/or Anxiety. Download June 30, 2021, from [Source]

[3] Hofmann, S. & Ehrmann, A. (2020). CBD, the rediscovered natural medicine. Mankau Verlag.

For legal reasons, we would like to point out that the effects of hemp and cannabinoids (CBD) described here refer exclusively to public scientific reports and specialist reports, publications and user experiences and are not to be understood as instructions for use or promises of healing. The text is in no way a substitute for professional advice from a doctor and may not be used as a basis for independent diagnosis and the start, change or termination of treatment of illnesses. Always consult your trusted doctor if you have any health questions or complaints!




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