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What is PAH?

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are the largest group of carcinogenic substances known today. They also cause genetic damage in humans.

PAHs consist of over 500 environmental pollutants that can accumulate in oils. They are mainly produced by the combustion of carbon-based organic matter, which can be produced during industrial processes such as wood and coal combustion and electricity generation, or by natural fires. Other sources include gasoline and diesel-powered engines. PAHs can also be produced during common home cooking practices such as baking and roasting meat at high heat.

PAHs generally occur in complex mixtures. For cannabis users, the main route of PAH intake is through the use of CBD oils.

PAHs are highly soluble in organic materials and can easily contaminate the cannabis plants used for extraction. The problem with the extraction process is that PAHs are similar to cannabinoids - both are fat-soluble. Thus, both can be extracted together from the plant material when processed into an oil.

These are the following limit values according to the Commission Regulation in the EU for the most dangerous and common PAHs in edible oil-based food supplements:

• Benzo(a)pyrene – 2 µg/kg

• the sum of benzo(a)pyrene, benzo(a)anthracene, benzo(b)fluoranthene and chrysene – 10 µg/kg

Be careful, there are more than 70% of CBD products on the market that contain the harmful PAH. All CBD oils should be tested for this.

Our manufacturer is one of the few companies in Europe that produces PAH-free products.

Our exclusive CBD oils are PAH free!

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